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Business Meeting throught the Window

International Mental Health Nursing Research Conference 2021 Embedding The Importance of Self-Compassion In Mental Health Nursing

Alexander was able to be a first time presenter, at this international research conference. Presenting work which had been conducted and collated, over several years from group sessions created and delivered to the Newly Qualified Mental Health Practitioners. Focusing on embedding the importance of self-compassion for mental health nurses.

Go Team

West Midlands Hospital; 2019 - 2020

Beginning in October of 2019 and delivered to the Director and all Heads of Departments at West Midlands Hospital, this programme was designed to gauge the impact on Effective Communication through a development intervention, underpinned by academic theories.

This approach resulted in substantial improvements in communication within a group or team setting.

All good ingredients

The BSMHFT Project; 2014 on going 

This project has been successfully running at the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust (BSMHFT) since 2014 and continues to be delivered to newly qualified mental health practitioners and allied health professionals. 

It involves half-day workshops comprising of Defence Mechanisms, Eating Correctly in the Workplace, Assertiveness and Remaining Active in the Workplace.


In addition, feedback and evaluation forms are given out to all attendees, ensuring fresh, updated and relevant content from the perspective of the mental health practitioners.

Never standing still

30 day Resilience and Wellbeing programme

For the month of September 2019, we recruited 5 individuals who were set up with a bespoke nutritional and activity programme to follow for 30 days. Meeting on a weekly basis to amend and help improve any struggles they experienced, we were then able to work together and ensure these amendments were easer to implement in the workplace.

© Active Listening for Wellbeing CIC

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